What To Do When A Tree Falls On Your Roof?

Our roofs can become delicate, especially when they become older. Hence, changing your roof every few years is essential to ensure the old one doesn’t suddenly fall apart. However, sometimes, it’s not the roof that’s the problem, and something else may cause it to break.

For example, what if a tree fell on your roof? If it hasn’t happened yet, we’re sure you haven’t thought of what should be done in that situation. We hope it never happens, but one has to be prepared. With such huge trees hanging above your roof, you may never know when it’ll fall.

Here’s what you need to do if you experience a tree falling on your roof.

1.    First Things First: Evacuate

When you hear a big bang on your roof, it can only mean one thing: it’s falling apart. Instead of wasting time thinking, just grab your necessities and evacuate your home. If you continue staying, you might hurt yourself as the roof will come crashing down. The damage has already been done; you’ll have plenty of time thinking about how to fix it. Still, please don’t make any rash decisions.

2.    Staying Calm: Panicking Won’t Help

We understand it may be a huge shock to watch your roof crumble. Nobody ever sees this coming, and it surely is worrisome. However, the calmer you are, the better you can think on your feet. If you have your family with you, calm them down as well. If you’re going to panic, they will start flipping out too. Hence, hydrate yourself, give yourself the time to process whatever’s happened, and then start thinking about what should be done.

3.    Call 911: They Can Help Like Nobody Else

Immediately after you’ve evacuated your home, call 911. They’d rush over to your house in no time and help you with certain things. 911 isn’t just for accidents or break-ins; it’s for any and every emergency. They also bring with themselves a medical team and a public utility team. The former would check you for any injuries (minor or major), while the latter would ensure any naked electric wires exposed that can potentially start a fire.

Roofing Contractors Are Your New Best Friends

After the damage has been done, it’s time for damage control. Contact a nearby, well-reputed roofing contractor, and discuss with them the multiple options you have for new roofs. You can discuss budgets, installation costs, roofs made of different materials (getting a stronger, sturdier roof), etc. They will iron out everything for you and then run a quick survey of your damaged roof to see which roof would work best for you.


A tree falling on your roof can be an emergency nobody asked for. However, it does happen, and if you live in a city where it’s too windy, it’s more likely to happen to you. However, as long as you’re on top of the damage control, you should be good to go.