How Proper Roof Ventilation Can Save Your Home!

The Importance of Proper Roof Ventilation

You cannot overestimate the importance of a proper roof ventilation system as trapped moisture inside a house can even damage your family’s health.

Here are some of the benefits of roof ventilation:


No one likes extreme temperatures in their house and improper roof ventilation can make the interior environment of your house unbearably hot in summers and shivering-cold in winters. A proper ventilation system aids the inflow and outflow of air so that the air inside can’t get to an extreme temperature.

A balanced temperature also results in your heating and cooling units working less. This extends their life and saves you money through reduced utility bills.

Condensation and Moisture

All the moisture produced in the house makes its way up to your attic. Showering, cooking, and even breathing produce moisture. It condenses on the insulations and framing, allowing mold and rot to set in. Mold causes tuffets to form, and rot can lead to a saggy roof which can diminish your roof’s life span.

Ice Damming

When the sun’s heat combines with the heat from inside your attic, the accumulated ice on the roof starts to melt. When the melted ice reaches the edges of the roof, it refreezes. The result is ice damming which can cause your roof system to lose its life by some years. It also damages your attic and walls.

The benefits of roof ventilation go beyond controlled temperatures. The money spent on getting your house a proper ventilation system can save you from the hassle and expenses of a new roofing system. Contact us for all your residential or commercial construction needs if you are in Colorado. Roof ventilation is not a luxury; it’s a need.