3 Ways Ice and Snow Can Impact Your Roof

It’s essential to be extra careful when that time of the year hits, as the winter season can bring with it lots of ice and snow. Your roof can take a hit as it’ll get burdened with excessive ice and snow. So, to what extent can ice and snow damage your roof?

Let’s find out.

Ice Dams

When there’s excessive ice on your roof, plenty of ice dams will form. This happens when ice and snow melt and flow right down the roof. The melted snow and ice then freeze at the edge of the roof, which can affect the overall health of your roof. The newly-formed ice dams can eventually severely damage your gutter system. In many cases, ice dams also tear the roof’s flashing.

Heavy Stress

When the winter season rolls around, your roof might begin to experience plenty of stress due to excessive ice and snow. The stress of ice and snow weakens the roof, making it prone to crash at any time. Also, the snowfall and rainwater can form huge blocks that further add more weight to your roof. This isn’t healthy for your roof as its health will keep deteriorating.

Freeze and Thaw

Excessive ice and snow can lead to your roof developing many cracks. Too many cracks aren’t suitable for the roof in the long run, which is why you should try to prevent as many as possible. When the water gets into the cracks, your roof will start to leak. Often, the water leaks into the house as well. This can pose a significant threat to your roof and your house.


Ice and snow can negatively impact your roof if you don’t supervise it. This is why it’s essential to ensure your roof is maintained throughout the year, especially when the winter season kicks off. The more you maintain your roof, the longer it’ll last.